Designing: My Process


Every good design take hours of research, planning, and development and no matter how long or short the deadline is, having a solid design process is vital to creating consistent and quality work. There are many steps in a good process, but here are 4 solid steps that are foundational to my organization and process for all my work.

Define. In this first step I communicate and talk with the client and find out what the solution for their need is and  how I can accomplish that design goal.

Research and Brainstorming. In this step I research and plan, brainstorm and sketch, in order to establish a base platform for the project.

Designing and Revising. After creating an initial design, the rest of this step is a unique amount of collaboration, communication with the client, and designing on any given platform to get the final result.

Finalization. In this step I make the final edits and check to make sure the work meets the clients goal and need before I send or submit the final result.